I’m only sort of back, will be back properly in November. This is likely the last year I’ll be doing the November challenge for a long while (never say never, but…), so I’m going to make the most of it. We’ve got a great connection with the local library this year, which is something I’ve been trying to wrangle for the last 3 years. Now that we have that, I feel I can gracefully step aside once Nov. 30th rolls around. The plan is for this winter to be all about getting my foot in the ring – sending my stuff out into the world, editing the heck out of Fractal Theory (which is *really* close to being finished; and WILL be by the end of this month, come hell or high water), and tying up a lot of loose ends (darned annoying, all this grown-up house-owner stuff that keeps insisting it needs dealing with).
Off to feed the cats, and continue digesting a lovely Thanksgiving dinner (mmm, pumpkin pie).
‘Til November 1st (or possibly sooner)
– T.H.